Our expert acupuncturists are well versed in both history and technique, with a keen understanding of how it can complement contemporary wellness treatments.


On a quantum level, the body has an energetic network called Qi. The organs are the energetic centers, or meridians that are connected to a comprehensive energy network that flows throughout the entire body. All body functions are supported by this energy network.

On the surface of the body, there are openings, like windows or doors, that communicate with the energy in the environment. These are the acupuncture points. By stimulating these acupuncture points, acupuncturists can regulate energy flow, can balance the nature of it, and unblock energy channels. These channels can actually supplement the body’s energy by using the natural energy from the environment.

The goal of Acupuncture treatment is to achieve a state of homeostasis, which is the body’s ability to maintain balance. It is based on the 12 meridians of the body that carry an electromagnetic potential. The patient who is out of balance electromagnetically becomes ill and expresses specific symptoms.

The meridian system is very similar to radio, in that radio waves cannot be seen by the human eye, but we all understand that they actually do exist. Meridian acupuncture can be compared to radio in a city that has 12 radio stations, like our 12 meridians, it is imperative that each specific station broadcast at its individual frequency. In other words, if a station is operating at 94.5 on the dial, it comes in loud and clear; however, if it comes in at 94.4 or 94.6, the radio broadcast is only static. There is nothing wrong with the radio, it just needs to be tuned to the proper station. A simple adjustment to the radio will bring it into full normalcy. When patients meridians are in balance, their health is optimized.

Research shows acupuncture to be a natural, effective alternative method for a wide array of conditions.

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